Happy Thanksgiving!

When I was a kid, my mother always placed the turkey in the oven before going to bed. The next morning when we awakened, the smell of turkey filled the house. I sat up on the side of my bed and placed my feet upon the cold hardwood floor. We only had space heaters back then.

My mother was an excellent cook when we were kids, and the turkey aroma made those early morning hours seem like an eternity before we finally got to eat. A bowl of cereal didn’t suffice when in my mind, I pictured all the trimmings that encircled the golden bird: mashed potatoes, early peas, green beans, homemade rolls and gravy, stuffing, corn, and more. Then the deserts: apple pie, pecan pie, cookies.

During those early years of my life, these memories still come each year. Despite the animosity between my parents, differences were put aside on this day, at least until I was twelve years old. But we ate until we could eat no more, watched football, and sometimes cartoon specials later in the evening. Out came the Polaroid and our father making us stand or sit while he took pictures. And if it wasn’t too cold, we went outside in the yard to take more photos.

I don’t know what it was about the old Polaroids, but when those flashbulbs went off and then bounced across the floor, my sister and I scrambled to get them. That’s a good time to learn what ‘hot’ means, I suppose.

Thanksgiving is a time to spend with those you love, in the here and now, and for those who have passed on. It’s a time to recall the things we’re most thankful for. We are blessed to have family. Treasure them while you can. Life is like a blink in time. While we’re young, we take life for granted. But as we get older, we look to the past for the memories. Tell those who are still with us how much you love them, and how important they are.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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