FREE Kindle Books March 4-5, 2023

Freebies for this weekend! I hope you enjoy and please tell your reading friends about this weekend special. Paperbacks are also available (NOT Free), and some titles are also in Audible (NOT Free). As always, my very best to each and every one of you!

NOTE: The buttons are showing the price when titles are not FREE. I’ve checked these and when you click the links, the titles are FREE on Amazon. Sorry for any confusion (mine included).

(Short Story)

Legends and paranormal activities prevail in the Ravenstead Community. One such legend is the constant beating heart of Wendell Graven in the Hollow Hill Cemetery. A curious fourteen-year-old girl, Dee Sullivan, wants to discover the truth behind the strange, mysterious phenomenon. With her older brother, Marty, and their two best friends, Lynn and Adam, they set out on Halloween night to discover the truth behind the beating heart in Hollow Hill.



Marty Sullivan’s black cat, Edgar, mysteriously appears at the most unusual times and in the least expected places. For the others in Dee’s Mystery Solvers Club, they suspect the cat is somehow magical. What they don’t know is Marty has a secret he needs to reveal about Edgar and where he found the cat. But in doing so, he knows his suspicious sister, Dee, will not rest until they completely solve the mystery. He fears her stubbornness will put their lives into peril, especially after he tells her that Edgar was found in the haunted Tangled Forest. Marty’s greatest fear is that returning to the forest might cause him to lose Edgar forever, as the cat’s true owner is a ghost … The ghost of a witch.


EPIC FANTASY: 759 pages. Beware: There be DRAGONS.To what end would a princess go to regain her rightful throne?After a coup led by Lord Waxxon kills the beloved half-elf queen of Hoffnung, the Queen’s daughter, Lady Dawn—the rightful heir—is forced to disguise herself as a lowly squire. Chosen by Caen—one of Hoffnung’s faithful Dragon Skull Knights—they search Aetheaon to gather forces to end Waxxon’s hostile takeover.Her identity must remain secret, even to the knight she serves. A lucrative bounty of gold has been set upon her head by Lord Waxxon. His ruthless henchmen, thieves, and bounty hunters scour Aetheaon to find her. But Lady Dawn’s not without hope.Warriors, a wizard, and rulers from several races and kingdoms seek to find her before Waxxon’s bounty can be collected. And find her, they must, if ever she can rightfully reclaim Hoffnung’s throne.

Twenty years have passed since a young man disappeared inside Devils Den never to be seen again. During this time the haunted cave has lain dormant, but the legend of its evil has not died. In fact, what lies within has awakened and prowls Cider Knoll one last time, seeking to offer a final blood sacrifice in order to gain immortality. Such a sacrifice must be pure and untainted, but finding an uncontaminated soul in a corrupt world is nearly impossible.

Horror spreads through rural Cider Knoll when another teenager, Justin McKnight, vanishes inside Devils Den. As the search and rescue begins, Sheriff Hopkins is baffled on how to continue searching for the boy when the only clues end at a mysterious wall inside the cave. When search efforts are about to be abandoned, an unexpected man shows up with an age-worn book that has disturbing revelations about what had actually occurred twenty years prior. And according to the predictions inside the book, they have little time to find Justin before he becomes the next victim.

“Leonard D. Hilley II writes with a dark veracity, giving real life to a world slightly askew. There’s always a sense that something is lurking in the shadows, just beyond the ‘normal’ world.”–Paul Counelis, writer for Rue Morgue


Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance:

Nocturnal Trinity is the exclusive nightclub everyone in Seattle raves about, where the crème de la crème of the city mingles and parties. Access and membership are by rare invitation only. Those hopeful to become members are desperately willing to do almost anything to be chosen. They sacrifice hours of their time waiting in line, give blood offerings, offer their very souls, and even kill, if doing so grants them a better chance for entry into the nightclub.
To the unknowing eye, the nightclub’s symbol above the door is merely occultic art, but to the ones able to translate its obvious message, the symbol screams a blatant declaration of the union of vampires, witches, and demons that preside over the club.
“Welcome to Nocturnal Trinity!” sounds like a cordial invitation for any new member fortunate enough to be chosen to partake in the Seattle Underground, but not so for Kailey Yates. She discovers something far more sinister resides inside the nightclub and their combined powers spellbind and blindly draw the lust of the city’s elite, mesmerizing them into doing whatever the nightclub’s Circle of Unity commands.
Kailey believed these creatures only existed in fantasy novels and movies, but now that she knows they are real, she must fight for her life because some of them want her dead. And one of those is the demon who murdered her brother.


Science Fiction/Suspense



Exploration always comes with great risks and settling the frigid Martian terrain proves more hostile than expected. Those working to settle Mars and Deimos soon discover the frightening truth. All their preconceived beliefs about no life existing on Mars are shattered. Life exists. More deadly than anyone could have imagined.

At the same time, a devastating virus spreads through the colony stationed at the Deimos Moon Station, killing fifty-six people. Dr. Carter, somehow immune and the sole survivor, vows to avenge the lives of his colleagues and his lover. Carter propagates the virus and plots to deliver the lethal contagion to Earth to infect and kill Boyd Grayson, the multi-billionaire owner of Grayson Enterprises and the founder of the mining colonies at Olympus Mons and on Deimos.

Carter holds Grayson responsible for their deaths. However, returning to Earth isn’t an easy task but soon he finds others willing to make the journey to Earth with him, not knowing his covert intentions. Delirious, and controlled by his blind vengeance, Carter dismisses the fact there’s no cure, placing the entire Earth population at risk.

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