Making D&D Dungeon Terrain W/ Proxxon

Lately, several have asked me how I craft my terrain pieces. The majority have been surprised to learn the pieces are made mostly from XPS foam. This brief blog is to provide you insight to the most beneficial tool I use: The Proxxon 37080 Hot Wire Cutter.

During the past few years, I’ve crafted terrain using various methods: dental stone in silicon molds, corrugated cardboard, and XPS foam. While each method has its strengths, XPS foam has better suited me for time and allowing better textured results. Foam produces much lighter terrain pieces than dental stone, but foam can get damaged easier in moving from one gaming area to the next.

As for cutting XPS foam, a large kitchen knife, an X-acto knife, or boxcutters can be used. However, the cuts using these tools can be jagged, uneven, or inaccurate. Once I learned about the Proxxon and invested in adding it to my set of crafting tools, cuts were smoother, more accurate, and easier to make multiple cuts in far less time than any of the other tools I had used. I still rely on the boxcutter and X-acto knife but often after I’ve made the basic cuts with the Proxxon.

My latest finished project. Inspiration came from Youtuber "Okay Hobby Time"

The blue building at the top was inspired by a How-to video on Youtube by eBI Crafter. I made some slight modifications, but overall followed his plan measurements and guidance.

If you’re interested in crafting your own terrain pieces and haven’t purchased a Proxxon for yourself, you might consider doing so. It has saved me hours of foam-cutting and when gluing, painting, and dry brushing also demand valuable time, the Proxxon was worth the cost.

foam-cutting and when gluing, painting, and dry brushing also demand valuable time, the Proxxon was worth the cost.

Here are some other terrain pieces I’ve made over the past year.

Disclaimer: This blog is not sponsored by Proxxon and simply explains how helpful the tool has been for me. 

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