Farewell, 2019 …

2019 is a year that I would have to rank as the fastest passing year of my life. My mother often said that the older we got, the faster the days slipped past. I agree, but 2019 seemed far faster than normal.

Even though the year sprinted without pause, I had some great family memories to reflect upon with my children and grandchildren. Early in the year, I finished the fourth novel in the Aetheaon Chronicles and released it to the world. I have started several other novels in different series, but after entering the retail world, my creative juices seemed sapped. I’m hoping, starting tomorrow, to get back on track.

I miss writing. I’m miserable when I cannot turn on that faucet of creativity. It seems that characters in my mind are bumping into one another, due to my stall, and their impatience keeps pounding for me to release them. I need to let them talk, interact, converse, and problem solve. The overload of not letting them free is nearing an explosive escape attempt by them.

My creative well has not gone dry. I’ve been too weary to pull up the bucket. It’s a lousy excuse, I suppose, so I shall fight my weariness and aim to write each day. I intend to become more focused in 2020. In some ways, I have no choice. Books don’t write themselves.

I hope that everyone has had some great times in 2019, and it is my wish that each of you have a wonderful 2020! Happy New Year!

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