Back to Aetheaon, Yet Once More

I’ve written three books in the Chronicles of Aetheaon Series. Whenever I think that I know the direction my series and characters will take, my muse wipes the thought board and maps a new set of winding trails into unknown territories, leaving me at her mercy to follow, observe and listen, and take notes.

You see, my original goal was the three book trilogy, but that plan has been scrapped. As I began writing the third book, a problem emerged. Not a bad problem. Actually, what occurred was a good thing, but getting to the original book three … not happening. At least, not yet.

Here’s what occurred. While writing Book Three, in the same fashion as Books One and Two, each storyline was far too broad to share the stage with all the others. Instead of one book, at least five books will be spun before finally getting to The Elves of Woodnog.

Aetheaon is a realm with vast hidden lands that even I have yet to see, and some of those places are beneath the surface. For those who have read Shawndirea, and how the Roble and the faery crossed the River Styx, you realize so much more is underground. More maps. More cities. More characters and creatures, some vile and others beneficial, await.

I cannot ever explain how these things occur. All I know to do is follow and write. Characters are what make the stories. And some of the most beloved are fleshing out more adventures that ultimately destine their fates to intersect upon the same road. Yet, getting to that road, a lot of obstacles must be overcome.

I face the task at hand with great eagerness. I cannot wait to share these journeys with you. Blessings to you.

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