Current Works-in-Progress

Just to give everyone an update on future books and tentative publishing dates.

Currently, I am writing the third book in the Nocturnal Trinity Series at ~39,000 words. This book has flowed almost effortlessly and I hope to finish sometime in December/January.

Next month, Lady Squire will experience a reboot with a new cover (by Daniela) and we’re working on a better map. While we love the color map, it’s simply too difficult to see the names in eBook format. Once the map is completed, I will announce the release date for the new edition.

The third book in the Aetheaon Chronicles is Frosthammer: The Dwarves of Nagdor and the cover reveal was yesterday at my Patreon page

The fourth book in the Aetheaon Chronicles is Shadowfae and the cover reveal was also yesterday. If you’d like the sneak peek of the covers, please visit my Patreon page.

Other than final edits/revisions, both epic novels are complete. These will be released six weeks apart through all book outlets. Paperbacks will be released ~1 month after their eBooks.

More to come!

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