Welcome to 2017!

Blessings to each of you in 2017. It’s hard to believe another year has passed. Some events in 2016 were bizarre, to say the least, but overall a good year.

As far as writing, 2016 proved to be a productive year.

Lady Squire: Dawn’s Ascension was released last January.
The first three books in the Forrest Wollinsky Vampire Hunter Series were released.
June 1st, a sci-fi novel I had worked on for over 14 years was released.
Raven, the second book in the Nocturnal Trinity Series was released.

My website went live so fans can find all my works in one place. So welcome, if you’re new here!

So what’s next in 2017? I’m venturing into Aetheaon a third time and currently working on The Elves of Woodnog: The Plague-bringer. Already having fun revisiting with old characters and meeting new ones. The World of Aetheaon is so vast and vivid that I plan to spend a lot of time exploring. I hope you will join me in these adventures.

The hardest part in writing multiple series is which book to work on next. After I finished Lady Squire (a massive novel), I was sapped. Writing more in that world at the moment was impossible. Lady Squire was over 190,000 words, and the longest novel I’ve written to date. I loved the characters, the story-line, the back stories, and discovering new locations and legends in the world. Mentally, though, I needed something else to work on. Surprisingly, Forrest Wollinsky was thrust at me by my wicked muse.

Forrest is a minor character in Succubus: Shadows of the Beast, but stole the scenes whenever he appeared. I held no doubt that he’d end up with his own series. I just didn’t plan for it to occur so soon. Three complete Forrest Wollinsky novels flowed out successively. These novels are accounts of when he first discovered he was chosen to be a vampire slayer in 1888 at only eight years old. He’s an intriguing character, and after three novels, I focused on finishing The Deimos Virus: Target Earth (5th book in The Predators of Darkness Series). After that, the characters of Raven began whispering, so I turned my attention to writing it.

Once Raven was finished, I found myself unable to write for several weeks. I was drained and uncertain where my wicked muse might direct next. It’s hard to explain but writing a novel requires a lot of mental energy, and I had written consecutively more in 2016 than any time in my life. I loved it, but at the same time, the process took its toll, which made me back away from writing to recuperate. I’m glad I did.

A few days ago, characters started whispering again. Before I start writing, I wait to see which voices speak the loudest and demand their attention; that’s when I know what I need to write and work on next.

So, again, welcome to 2017!

My best,


2 Replies to “Welcome to 2017!”

  1. Where your books are concerned, 2016 was amazing and I enjoyed every one of them. I look forward to what you bring out next but do not burn yourself out as I would rather wait knowing there is more to come than hearing you will never write again. If (not necessarily this year) you manage to repeat the number of books written last year then be blessed. If not, still be happy with what you will accomplish in the years to come. Either way, Leonard, I eagerly await your books whenever they arrive 🙂

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