Farewell to 2018

2018 was an interesting year with a lot of wonderful events. The highlight of the year was the birth of our beautiful granddaughter. That’s something impossible to surpass.

As for writing, 2018 was quite a productive year overall. Books 3 & 4 in the Aetheaon Chronicles were finished. Revisions for those are currently in progress and launch/release dates will be announced soon for 2019. The third book in the Nocturnal Trinity Series is almost complete and hopefully will be released in late Spring. I’ve written about 600,000 words in novels this year.

A great thing is that libraries are making some of my eBooks available so readers can check them out. If your local library doesn’t have my books, call your local library and ask them to add the books to their catalogue. Libraries are wonderful and one of the reasons I fell in love with books at an early age. What a great place to be–surrounded by books.

Saying goodbye to any year is sometimes hard. I’m looking forward to 2019 and hoping the productivity exceeds 2018. More adventures to come.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

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