DAY 3, Still in Hospital

This is later than normal since NO ONE from the hospital updated me last night on my wife’s condition. If they’re not allowing me to visit, it’s the least they can do to keep me informed.

Nurse called this morning and wife’s HR and O2 (normal) levels have improved quite well. When asked if she’s able to come home, the reply was maybe in two days. Without losing my cool and after a thorough explanation of how my wife has told me she wants to come home and needs to come home (it was the first thing she told me via text this morning), she said that she’d leave a note for the day shift nurses and doctors.

I totally understand not discharging her yesterday because there’s nothing we can do at home to stabilize her increased heart rate. As for oxygen levels, she can get a script for home use oxygen.

Other than the doctor and nurses, she’s had no visitors; not even coworkers but they did send her flowers.

Isolation from friends and family isn’t healthy, especially for the sick. Search online and you’ll discover the thousands of people that died last year without being allowed visitors, and it was much higher in nursing homes.

If I could, I’d trade places with her.

Thanks for all the prayers and well-wishes! She’s quite appreciative! I’ll post more as I get news.

BTW, the reason I post on here and not FB is due to how FB censors others. Who knows what topic or word will trigger a brief stint in FB prison? A friend of mine posted a KETO peanut butter recipe and had it blurred for ‘sensitive information’. I’m not joking. I suppose in this day and age, just the thought of an allergy could cause anaphylactic shock or make someone break out with hives. Who knows?

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