Aetheaon Chronicles: Book Three

The rough draft for Aetheaon Chronicles: Book Three has been completed, and the revision process is underway. A cover unveiling will be announced in the near future.

The interesting thing about the third book is that this novel isn’t what I had thought the third book to be. Let me explain.

As with the first two epic novels in the series, the prose gets into the minds of various characters throughout the novels. The scenes shift from one character to another in different chapters. Originally, this is how I expected the third book to be carved up. I had already written the first three chapters, which followed various characters, delving into each main character’s POV. At the end of the third chapter, I discovered a major problem. Had I followed the previous patterns, the volume would easily expand over 2,000 pages. That’s far too vast for a single novel.

The projected third book was “The Elves of Woodnog: The Plague-bringer,” but that title is actually being pushed further down the line to perhaps Book 6 or Book 7. The third book now focuses upon the three main Dwarves: Boldair (newly appointed King by King Staggnuns and King Thorgum of the Dwarven Alliance), Drucis, and Dwiskter. Viorka, the fynx, travels with them as they journey to Nagdor for Boldair’s coronation. But the journey suffers several detours that reveal areas of Aetheaon’s map I didn’t know existed. New cities and new races.

After making the decision to give each major character his/her own novel, I expected the novel to be roughly 75,000 to 80,000 words. But the rough draft tallied 99,500 words. After revisions, where I tend to add more description and necessary dialogue, the novel should teeter over 100,000 words.

More than that I cannot share until after the revisions are done. Believe me, it’s a struggle for me to keep further details to myself. I promise, though, it will be worth the wait.

Until next time ….

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