Apple Books? iBooks for FREE?

Seldom do I offer my novels for free. I’m running a mid-summer Promo. So help yourself to some freebies and tell your reading friends. Please subscribe and get a FREE copy of Forrest Wollinsky: Vampire Hunter. I don’t spam with newsletters and have only sent one newsletter to date.

My author page link on Apple Books: Leonard D. Hilley II Apple Books

Below are the following novels of mine on FREE promotion for the next few days at Apple Books:

Sci-fi Suspense Thrillers:

Predators of Darkness: Aftermath

Death’s Valley

Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Fantasy:

Forrest Wollinsky Book One

Forrest Wollinsky Book Two

Forrest Wollinsky Book Three

Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance:

Succubus: Shadows of the Beast

A Touch of the Familiar

Epic Fantasy/Sword & Sorcery:

Lady Squire (Aetheaon Chronicles: Book Two)

Shadowfae (Aetheaon Chronicles: Book Four)



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